Course Leaf Training Session Recordings
Course Leaf Training Session Recordings
To access one of the Course Leaf training sessions, please click on one of the below sessions.
Faculty Curriculum Reviewers/Approvers:
Faculty Curriculum Reviewers/Approvers:
General Faculty Users (Passcode: B0ns@26R)
User Guides
Curriculum Review Processes & Workflows
Process Guides
Process Guides
- New Degree Programs Approval Process [PDF]
- Program Modification Approval Process [PDF]
- New & Modified Courses [PDF]
- Though GE courses follow the same university curriculum review process as non-GE courses, specific information related to GE in the pilot process can be found in #6 of the New & Modified Courses document above and in the "Curriculum Review Forms & Templates" section under General Education.
- Process for Objections to Curriculum Proposals [PDF]
- Process to Request to Create a New Course Prefix [PDF]
- Information about WASC Substantive Change Screening [PDF] - currently under revision
Flattened Version of Course Leaf Course & Program form for Planning Purposes
Forms cannot be submitted outside of Course Leaf. All proposal information must be input in the online course form or program form via Course Leaf.
Curriculum Review Workflows
Workflows for Program Proposals
- New Program
- New Concentrations/Options/Emphasis
- New Minor
- Program Modification
- Program Discontinuation
- Request to Reinstate a Program
Workflows for Course Proposals
Impact Statements
- Consultation with Information/Academic Technology - Proposer/department has consulted with IT to confirm that the available academic technology, equipment, and other specialized materials are appropriate to support the program needed for implementation.
- Consultation with Library
- Proposer/department has consulted with the University Library to confirm that the institution offers adequate access to both electronic and learning resources
- Proposer/department has consulted with the University Library to confirm that the institution will need to purchase adequate access to additional electronic and/or learning resources.
- Confirm that the campus is committed to purchasing these additional resources.
- Consultation with USLOAC
- Proposer/department has consulted with USLOAC to confirm they have provided an accurate and appropriate assessment plan.
- Proposer/department has consulted with USLOAC to confirm they have provided an accurate and appropriate curriculum map.
- Department Chair Impact Statement Questions
- Is the required expertise available among existing faculty to teach in the program?
- Are additional facilities required for the program?
- Is additional equipment (computers, serve allocation, laboratory equipment, etc.) needed to support the program?
- Please list and fully explain any additional resources needed for the program.
- College Dean Impact Statement Questions
- Explain the program's alignment with the University's mission.
- Explain the program's alignment with the College's goals and objectives.
- Are the College's current year faculty workload and support positions (i.e, clerical, technical, etc.) sufficient to staff and support the program?
- Is the required expertise available among existing faculty?
- Are additional facilities required for teh program?
- Is additional equipment (computers, server allocation, laboratory equipment, etc.) needed to support the program?
- List and fully explain the College's support for any additional resources needed.
- Graduate Programs and Courses
Criteria for Special Designations, General Education & Graduate Council
- University Ethnic Studies Committee (UESC)
- University Writing Committee (UWC)
- Online/Hybrid Learning Committee
- General Education Committee (GE-C)
- Graduate Council - contact the Graduate Council Chair, Dr. Antonia Boadi (